Bilder die bleiben
Wedding pho­to­gra­pher Leo Frankl of­fers a mo­dern, em­pa­the­tic and li­ve­ly wed­ding pho­to­graphy in Mu­nich, Ba­va­ria and in­ter­na­tio­nally.

His ser­vice: Wed­ding ar­tic­les of ci­vil and churchly mar­ria­ge, the con­gra­tu­la­tion, the wed­ding ce­re­mony, sou­ve­nir pho­tos of guests as wedd­ing por­traits or group pho­to­graphs, po­sed wed­ding pho­tos of bride and groom on site or in the stu­dio.

The package price in­clu­des: An ani­ma­ted on­line slide show, the edi­ted pho­to­graphs on DVD in­clu­ding all pro­perty rights as well as an on­line wed­ding pho­to­graph gal­lery with an or­der­line for ima­ges. In­di­vi­dually de­signed wed­ding al­bums and print-outs are avai­lable on re­quest.