Bilder die bleiben
Atmospheric pho­tos in your well­ness re­sort, li­fe­style pho­tos on to­pics like fit­ness and health, in­ner har­mony and nu­tri­tion, il­lus­tra­tion of web­si­tes of health re­sorts and sur­ge­ries: Leo Frankl, suc­cess­full pho­to­gra­pher from Mu­nich, Ba­va­ria, Ger­many, al­ways sta­ges his pho­tos in a way that ex­pres­ses the beauty, the spe­cia­lity, the uni­que­ness of the mo­ment, the for­tune and the lust for life. The vie­wer re­cog­ni­zes the au­then­ti­city of the pho­tos and feels in­vi­ted to take part.

"Pictures that last"
"Pictures that take effect"