Bilder die bleiben
Photographer Leo Frankl is an in­ter­natio­nally ac­tive fa­shion and life style photo­gra­pher with home­base munich.

His new pas­sion is wed­ding pho­to­gra­phy: He con­si­ders cap­tu­ring the fi­nest mo­ments of the mar­ria­ge ce­re­mony in a pho­to ar­tic­le, in the re­gis­ter of­fi­ce, the church or at the wed­ding re­cep­tion as the most im­por­tant task of the wed­ding pho­to­grapher. Posed wed­ding pho­tos of bri­de and groom are crea­ted in the stu­dio or at your wed­ding lo­ca­tion.

Further­more he ef­fec­ti­vely res­ta­ges com­pa­nies and sur­ge­ries, por­trais ma­na­ge­ment and em­plo­yees and is an event pho­to­gra­pher at bu­si­ness ac­ti­vi­ties.